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Rotary Club Resources

Monitor the Florida Department of Health website for updated information: click here for FL DOH-Covid-19 status

Florida Department of Health Covid Cases and Testing by county

Updates from WHO and CDC showing charts of COVID-19 and other pandemic diseases

Monitor updates from the CDC 

Important information and 4 major fact sheets about COVID-19
COVID19 Facts
COVID19 Stop the Spread
COVID19 What to do if you are sick

Why Soap and Water? Watch this video to understand how soap & water helps contain COVID-19

District Governor’s list of ideas for club presidents to generate engagement

Northeast Florida eClub is available to you

Purchase Zoom and other products using the Rotary discount

Using Zoom – 7 Tips

Rotary International update status on COVID-19

Rotary response to COVID19 as compared to Polio eradication 

TED Talk about eradicating Polio is a good insight to eradicating COVID19

DACdb University offers training resources, Club Secretary training available April 17th. NOTE: Contact DACdb to register! The attachment is for information only.

Small Business Resources and References

Face Mask Sewing Pattern for Crafters

WHO recommendations for wearing a mask during the COVID-19 situation 

Guidance on how to make, and when to use masks


NE Florida COVID-19 Business Guide (PDF)

USDA Implements Immediate Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses and Communities Affected by COVID-19

Reopening America Guidance (PDF)

Guidelines for Drive-Up or Walk-Up Commodity Distribution by Groups and Organizations (PDF)

FDA Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up Delivery Services (PDF)