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Minutarian Week 40: April 3, 2023

Minutarian Week 40: April 3, 2023

As many of us celebrate one of the holiest times of the year in our respective religions, it is important to reflect on how blessed we are and how lucky we are to be a part of Rotary and have the opportunity to help those less fortunate in Ukraine, Southwest Florida,...
Minutarian Week 40: April 3, 2023

Minutarian Week 39: March 27, 2023

Wow, I have never been so happy to be your District Governor. On Saturday March 25 we had a full day of Rotary which started with 100 RYLARians and over 25 Rotary leaders who were there to act as mentors and facilitators. Thank you, Lt. General Rick Tryon from the...
Minutarian Week 40: April 3, 2023

Minutarian Week 38: March 20, 2023

As we make final plans for our district meal packing event on Saturday March 25 at Beachside HS, I want to remind you that this Saturday will be unlike previous food pack event, this event is intended to have Rotarians standing side by side with our youth leaders as...
Minutarian Week 40: April 3, 2023

Minutarian Week 37: March 13, 2023

I am on Spring Break this week, so most of my Rotary interaction has been taking place with family and random strangers. Yes, I am wearing my Rotary pin and yes, I have the one-minute elevator pitch at the ready. This is World Rotaract Week. Has your club considered...
Minutarian Week 40: April 3, 2023

Minutarian Week 36: March 6, 2023

I hope that all of our club President-Elects are feeling as invigorated and excited as District Governor John Tabor and his leadership team are, after delivering a greatly successful President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) this weekend in Orlando. This year, the ...