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Beaches Rotaracts – Suicide Prevention Fundraiser

Beaches Rotaract Club to host ‘A Night at The Alhambra’ May 2
Proceeds to benefit suicide prevention

Tickets are now on sale for the Rotaract Club of Jacksonville’s Beaches annual “A Night at The Alhambra” benefit, to be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 2 at The Alhambra Theatre and Dining in Jacksonville. Proceeds from the event will benefit Here Tomorrow, a Neptune Beach-based nonprofit that provides mental health and suicide prevention services.

Attendees will enjoy a performance of the Jimmy Buffet-inspired musical “Escape to Margaritaville” along with a cocktail reception and a Caribbean-themed three-course dinner. The event will also feature a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle.

Tickets are $75 each and may be purchased online; event sponsorships are also available. For tickets or more information, visit

Contact: Joe Bove | 904-303-4225 | [email protected]