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Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Calling for Nominations for District Governor! It’s that time of year again when we must consider who will be our future district leader. We are calling for nominations for District 6970 District Governor Nominee Designate. It’s one of the longest and hardest to...
Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Minutarian Week 8, August 23, 2021

Haiti Update Rotarians, we are now getting reports in that there are over 2,000 dead and injuries within the tens of thousands. In addition there is significant damage to infrastructure including power, water and medical facilities. We have a PayPal link set up for...
Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Minutarian Week 7, August 16, 2021

Welcome to Week 7 of our Rotary Year! Earthquake in Haiti As many of you have heard by now, on August 14th Haiti was rocked by a massive 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake. At least 227 dead, with hundreds injured or missing in our sister district 7020. For clubs and members...
Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Minutarian Week 6, August 9, 2021

Happy week 6 of our Rotary Year everyone! I am very proud to announce the addition of our newest club to the District 6970 family, The Rotary Club of Northwest Jacksonville! Congratulations to Club President Dale Moe and his very capable Board of Directors and...
Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Minutarian Week 5, August 2, 2021

Well folks, here we are in August already. One month down and 11 to go. We got this! August is an exciting month for many reasons but for me the most exciting part of August is that it is membership month! That’s right a time for us to celebrate membership and what it...
Minutarian Week 9: August 30th, 2021

Minutarian Week 4, July 26, 2021

Good morning and welcome to another wonderful Rotary week sure to be full of fun, fellowship, and opportunities to serve others. Florida Rotary License Plates The new Florida Rotary License Plate is available thanks to the perseverance and dedication of a team of...