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The procedures for Rotary District 6970 are presented as a guide to assist district governors, club presidents and club directors in maintaining continuity in district activities from year to year.

District 6970 Policies/Procedures

The Procedures for Rotary District 6970 are presented as a guide to assist District Governors, Club Presidents and Club Directors in maintaining continuity in District activities from year to year.

District Organization

As stated in The Manual of Procedure, “a fundamental principle underlying the administration of Rotary International is the substantial autonomy of member clubs. The constitutional and procedural restrictions on the administration are kept to the minimum necessary to preserve the fundamental and unique features of Rotary. Within that provision there is maximum flexibility in interpretation of Rotary International policy, especially at the local level. The standard Rotary Club Constitution specifies the Board of Directors is the governing body of the club. Decisions of the Board in all club matters shall be final, subject only to an appeal to the club. All decisions at the club level are the sole responsibility of the Club Board of Directors.

District Governor

The District Governor is the administrative officer of Rotary International within the District, functioning under the general control and supervision of the Board of Directors of Rotary International. The District Governor has direct supervision over the clubs in the District, and in this capacity the DG is to be a friendly advisor and counselor who is expected to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of Rotary International. In the exercise of their responsibility for the direct supervision of the clubs, the Governor is charged with the particular duty of advancing the Object of Rotary and adhering to established policies and procedures as set forth in the constitutional documents and by the actions of the Board of Directors of Rotary International. Specific duties of the District Governor are listed in the Manual of Procedure.

Line of Succession

The immediate past governor (IPDG) will serve as the Chancellor of the College of Governors (COG) and as Vice Governor. In case of incapacity of the sitting Governor, the Vice-Governor (IPDG) will assume the role of Governor, followed by the next IPDG. Next in line, the COG will select from the COG pool.

Assistant Governors

The Governor may group together contiguous Rotary Clubs in the District and appoint a qualified Rotarian as Assistant Governor for each area with preference given to past presidents. In addition, the Governor may appoint Assistant Governors to work with Assistant Governors to improve club membership and Rotary Foundation support. These individuals are liaison individuals between the Club Presidents and the District Governor, and their function is to assist the Governor in the routine matters of administration and to act as the informal adviser to the Governor and to the assigned clubs in their area.

District Committees and Programs

The work of the District is accomplished through a carefully organized and administered committee structure. Committees may be created for structure and leadership of various Rotary International programs. In each instance, the Committee Chairperson and/or co-chair shall be appointed by the District Governor and may serve in the capacity of Chair for multiple years with the primary responsibility to advise, counsel and assist the Governor and the Rotary Clubs within their District in advancing the Object of Rotary. Although appointed for multiple years, in each instance the chair serves at the pleasure of the Governor and may be replaced prior to the expiration of term. The following committees and programs are referenced in this section: Membership; Foundation; Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI); Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA); Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE). More may be added or removed from time to time. During the third year of service by the Chairs, a co-chair or chair elect may be appointed for continuity. All positions related to these various committees are voluntary.

Membership: The District Governor in consultation with the District Governor Elect, District Governor-Nominee and if known, the District Governor-Nominee-Designate shall appoint a District Membership Chair (DMC) and/or Co-Chair who may also serve as the District Extension Chair. The DMC position is a three year appointment, at the will of each subsequent DG upon their taking office. The Membership Committee is tasked with expanding membership, strengthening clubs and developing new Rotary Clubs. The Membership Committee shall be comprised of the Chair, the Governor Corp and the year one Assistant Governors.

Foundation: The District Governor in consultation with the District Governor Elect, District Governor-Nominee and if known, the District Governor-Nominee-Designate shall appoint a District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC). The DRFC position is a three year appointment in accordance with RI guidelines, at the will of each subsequent DG upon their taking office. The Foundation Committee is tasked with promoting, educating and furthering the mission of The Rotary Foundation. The Foundation Committee shall be comprised of the Chair, the Governor Corp and the year two Assistant Governors.

RLI: The District Governor in consultation with the District Governor Elect, District Governor-Nominee and if known, the District Governor-Nominee-Designate and the RLI Sunshine Division Chair, shall appoint an RLI Chair, who shall also serve as a Director on the RLI Sunshine Division Board, for a period of three years. The RLI Chair and their committee are responsible for the fees and costs associated with their respective sessions, generally to be two per year, one in fall and one in spring. Said session times are to be determined by the Chair, but shall not conflict with other District scheduled events. Committee appointments shall be provided to the District Governor, prior to the appointment being made, for District Governor approval. The District shall fund the yearly fee to maintain membership in the RLI Sunshine Division, however, any fee increases by the RLI Sunshine division must be authorized by the District Fund and Procedures Committee prior to acceptance. The chair and their committee shall be responsible for staffing RLI sessions with appropriate ‘discussion leaders’ (DLs). Courtesy notice of newly qualified DLs shall be made to the District Governor.

RYLA: The District Governor in consultation with the District Governor Elect, District Governor-Nominee and if known, the District Governor-Nominee-Designate, shall appoint a RYLA Chair, who shall serve for a period of three years. RYLA shall be held once per Rotary year, late in the Rotary calendar, and shall be scheduled as to avoid conflict with other District or major Rotary International events. RYLA will be held at a University within the District and is recommended to be relocated every three to five years. The RYLA Chair shall be responsible for filling additional RYLA committee appointments as needed, in consultation with and by approval of the District Governor and having been duly vetted. Each year the RYLA Chair and their committee will produce a document providing anticipated expenses for the coming year’s event. As RYLA is 100% funded by the clubs via their paying of tuition for attendees, any surplus funds shall be utilized to decrease the costs of the following year’s tuition charges to the clubs. There are no paid staff and no per diem for any of the RYLA staff; however, staff is entitled to pre-approved, known expenses. No travel to out-of-District RYLA or other Rotary events, unless pre-approved by the District Governor is to be expensed against the revenue of RYLA.

RYE FLORIDA: The District Governor in consultation with the District Governor Elect, District Governor-Nominee and if known, the District Governor-Nominee-Designate, shall appoint a RYE Chair, who shall serve for a period of three years. RYE is funded by fees levied on all participating Districts on a yearly basis, to RYE Florida. Funding of outbound exchange students is by fee charged to the participating student’s family. Funding of inbound exchange students is by fee charged to those clubs choosing to host a student for the Rotary year. Those clubs wishing to host an inbound student for the upcoming Rotary year must sign a document of commitment no later than October 1 of the current Rotary year and must provide the appropriate host families. The committee members shall be appointed by the chair, in consultation with the District Governor Elect and having been duly vetted for their position. No travel by committee members unless pre-authorized by the District Governor and District Governor Elect, may be expensed against the revenues of the program. All authorized expenses are submitted to the District Administrative Assistant for reimbursement following normal expense approval procedures. As RYE commitments are made nearly one year in advance of the actual activity, the committee members for that Rotary year must be in place prior to the October 1st club document of commitments for the coming Rotary year. In the event the committee is not fully staffed for said year, no students shall be accepted until replacement committee members have been named.

College of Governors

All past District Governors, including those who may have served in other Districts and who are members of Rotary Clubs in District 6970, and all past officers of Rotary International who reside in District 6970 are automatically members of the College of Governors. The College of Governors has no authority; its purpose shall be to assist the District Governor in such manner as may be requested. The immediate Past District Governor shall serve as Chancellor of the College. Meetings are held on call, usually two per year.

Nominating Committee for District Governor

The Nominating Committee for District Governor shall be charged with seeking out and proposing the best available candidate for District Governor-Nominee. The Committee shall not be limited in its selections to those names submitted by the Clubs in the District. Any vacancy that occurs within the Committee during its year of tenure shall be filled by the appointment of a member of like qualifications; said appointment shall be made by the current Nominating Committee Chair for the unexpired portion of the vacated term.

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of a chair (appointed by District Governor Elect) and four members representing a cross section of the District by club size and geographic location. Not more than three members of the committee shall be a Past District Governor, including the chair. The chair shall not be the immediate Past District Governor. The names of the committee, except for the chair shall remain confidential until after the committee has reported to the District Governor. Appointments to the committee shall be made by the Nominating Committee Chair and such appointments shall be for one year terms. Members of the Committee may succeed themselves one time.

The District Governor-Nominee, in accordance with Rotary International requirements, must be selected not more than 36 months but not less than 24 months prior to the day of taking office. The District Governor, in consultation with the Nominating Committee Chair, shall establish the date in which candidates for District Governor-Nominee will be interviewed.

The District Governor, acting on behalf of the Nominating Committee, shall then issue via email to club presidents and secretaries an announcement inviting Clubs of the District to submit names of candidates eligible under the terms of the current Manual of Procedure for consideration by the Nominating Committee for District Governor-Nominee for the Rotary Year three years hence. Such names are to be submitted by the Clubs to the Chair of the Nominating Committee at the address stated in the invitation. This announcement shall be sent via email for three consecutive months (August, September and October). The date of the interviews for District Governor Nominee shall be set at the discretion of the Nominating Committee Chair. However, the Nominating Committee Chair is encouraged to set the interview date early enough in the Rotary Year so that the candidate selected and confirmed as District Governor Nominee-Designate will have an opportunity to participate in activities such as PETS, District Assembly and District Conference in order to be more fully prepared as District Governor-Nominee in the following Rotary Year.

Written nominations must be received by the Nominating Committee Chair at least two-weeks prior to the interview date, and this deadline shall be mentioned in the announcements in the District newsletter. The nomination must be attached to or accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate listing their Rotary classification, civic, business and professional activity, their word they have read and understood Article 1S,070 (Qualifications of Governor-Nominee) of the Bylaws of Rotary International and they are fully qualified, willing and able to accept and execute the duties and responsibilities set forth therein.

The Nominating Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair at the place designated by the Chair on the date established by the District Governor. The District Governor shall determine the quorum necessary for binding committee action. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall notify the District Governor of the selection of the committee within at least 48 hours after the selection has been made. It will be the responsibility of the District Governor to notify the clubs in the District of the candidate selected by the Nominating Committee and to publish the recommended candidate in the monthly letter next printed.

Any club which had submitted a candidate in accordance with the procedure specified may nominate its candidate from the floor at the ensuing Annual District Conference, provided that such club notifies the District Governor of its intentions to do so within fifteen days of the date of the announcement of the Nominating Committee’s selection. If a notice is not received from any club, the District Governor shall declare the candidate selected by the Nominating Committee to be the official Governor-Nominee, The District Governor shall then certify the name of the District Governor-Nominee to the General Secretary of Rotary International.

The District representative and alternate representative to the Council on Legislation

The District representative and alternate representative to the Council on Legislation shall be selected by a nominating committee process, as set forth in the Bylaws of Rotary International in Section 8.050. The nominating committee procedure, including any challenges and a resulting election, shall be conducted and completed in the year two years preceding the council. The nominating committee procedure shall be based on the nominating committee procedure for district governors set forth in the Bylaws of Rotary international in Section 13.020. A candidate for representative shall not be eligible to serve on the committee. The District Governor during the year that the representative and alternate representative are to be chosen shall appoint the nominating committee charged with interviewing qualified candidates and designating the representative and alternate.

Zone Institute Attendance Expense Reimbursement

The District Governor, District Governor Elect and District Governor-Nominee are required to attend the annual Zone Institute. Covered expenses for this travel include direct approach travel expense (coach airline, including partners if flying or IRS allowed mileage rate in effect at time of travel), hotel for days required to be in attendance at Zone Institute, and registration fee (including partner).

Past District Governors are also invited to attend Zone Institute. An annual budget will be approved to partially offset the expense of attendance. The maximum amount per participant will be $500. If this exceeds the budgeted amount, the maximum per participant will be a pro-rata share of the amount budgeted.

Leadership Team Travel

The District Governor Elect will determine who attends the Leadership Team to RI trip. The DGE, DGN, Foundation Chair (or Designate), Membership Chair (or Designate) and one At-Large team member are the customary attendees. Expenses are based on RI guidelines for travel, lodging and meals.

Rotary International Convention Expense Reimbursement

The District Governor, District Governor Elect and District Governor-Nominee are expected to attend the Rotary International Convention. Covered expenses for this travel include direct approach travel expense (coach airline, including partners if flying or IRS allowed mileage rate in effect at time of travel), hotel for days required to be in attendance at the International Convention, and registration fee (including partner).

Presidents-elect Training Seminars (PETS)

PETS is a leadership development and education program. Its primary purpose is to develop and train incoming club presidents who have the necessary skills, knowledge and motivation to create or maintain an effective club as defined by Rotary International. The District Governor Elect of each District is responsible for planning and conducting PETS. District 6970 has joined with the other Districts in Florida to stage a multi-district PETS in March of each year. The Governors-Elect jointly share the responsibility for the effectiveness of this important and required seminar. The District Trainer and the Assistant Governors work closely with the District Governor Elect of each District to train the Presidents-Elect. Florida PETS is a seminar as prescribed by Rotary International. Much of the training is coordinated in separate sessions by the individual Districts, while the remainder of the training is provided jointly to Presidents-Elect by Rotary trainers from throughout the state. This provides the incoming club presidents with an opportunity to get well acquainted with District leaders, while simultaneously having an opportunity to gain a broader understanding of Rotary through interactions with Rotarians from all regions of Florida.

All Presidents-Elect are required by Rotary International to attend PETS. Since attendance is mandated, the District will bill all clubs for the attendance fee for the President-Elect during the Rotary Year.


District 6970 conducts an informational training session in the fall of each year for Presidents-Elect. This is to prepare the incoming president for the much more comprehensive training that they will be receiving a few months later at PETS. Pre-PETS is conducted in one or more separate-geographic regions within the District. This provides the opportunity for a more intimate exchange of information and ideas than is possible at a District-wide meeting. The District Governor Elect and the District Trainer plan and conduct Pre-PETS, with the active and collaborative involvement of Assistant Governors.

District Training Assembly

The District Training Assembly is a training meeting for incoming club leadership and all members. It is held to provide motivation, inspiration, Rotary knowledge, instruction in administration duties, and coordination of District activities in order that the incoming Club Presidents, Treasurers, and Secretaries, and such other incoming club leaders as the Board may designate, will receive a greater understanding of their responsibilities and opportunities for service. Incoming officers and other designated participants are expected to attend. The value of having someone attend in the place of a designated participant is questionable and should be discouraged.

The District Training Assembly is to be held in the months of March, April, or May, at a time which will not conflict with the International Assembly, the International Convention or the District Conference. It is recommended that the District Training Assembly be held following PETS and not later than May 31. The specific date and location of the District Training Assembly shall be determined by the District Governor Elect.

The District Governor Elect shall plan and conduct the Assembly. The Governor shall have a relevant part in the program and shall conduct the business portion of the meeting. The Assembly will be considered the official business meeting of the club officers of District 6970. All items of business presented by the District Governor and the District Governor Elect will be considered. The Assembly will also approve an annual budget and will authorize the District Treasurer to request from each Club its apportioned share of the budget. The Bylaws of Rotary International (Article XIII, Section 6 – District Finances) state that “(a) Each District may, by resolution of the District Conference, establish a fund to be called “The District Fund” for the financing of District-sponsored projects and the administration and development of Rotary in the District. (b) The financing for the District Fund shall be provided by all the clubs in the District by way of per capita levy on the members of those clubs. The amount of the levy shall be decided at the District Assembly only after approval of three-fourths of incoming Club Presidents or designee present. (c) The District must supply an annual review of the District finances to each club in the District upon request.”

ATTENDANCE AT THE DISTRICT ASSEMBLY IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Therefore, incoming presidents and secretaries, before accepting office, should be required by their respective clubs to pledge themselves to attend the District Assembly. It is recommended that their expenses be paid by their clubs.

District Conference

A conference of Rotarians in District 6970 shall be held each year at such time and place as selected by the District Governor, provided that the dates selected are not in conflict with those of the District Assembly, the International Assembly or the International Convention, The time and place of the District Conference should be selected one year in advance. The Host Club chosen in consultation with the Governor should appoint necessary and appropriate committees. The Governor shall appoint a Conference Chairman. The Conference Committee should prepare a proposed budget as early as possible and present it to the Governor and the District Fund Committee.

Rules of Procedure at the District Conference

Voters – Each club president-elect or designee in good standing of a member club in the District, who is present and registered at this Conference, shall he entitled to vote on all questions and matters properly presented, except for the selection of Nominee for District Governor. Any elector shall have the right to demand a poll upon any question presented. In such event, the voting shall be restricted to electors present. Only electors present, as defined in the Manual of Procedure, may vote for the District Governor-Nominee,

Rotary Foundation

The clubs of District 6970 are urged to seek out and propose candidates for Rotary Foundation Service Awards. All applications should be submitted to the Club Presidents no later than March 1 of each year. These should be submitted to the District Governor by April 1. The Governor should appoint a selection committee to meet promptly and to send its applications to Rotary International by May 1.

District Rotary Foundation SHARE Committee Membership

The District Rotary Foundation SHARE Committee (DRFC) shall consist of the District Rotary Foundation Chair (as chair), District Grants Chair, District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor-Nominee, club representatives from the three (3) highest per capita Annual giving clubs for the past year and club representatives from the two (2) highest total Annual giving clubs for the past year. Appointment is for a one year term.

The DRFC, DG, and District Grants Chair will have discretionary authority to make decisions regarding the District Spending Plan when funds have not been utilized by Share Committee approved club grant applications by April 1.

Governor’s Monthly Letter

The District Governor shall ensure monthly communication with Club Presidents, Club Secretaries, and other club and District leaders as deemed appropriate by the District Governor. The method of such communication shall be at the sole discretion of the District Governor.

District Fund and Procedures Committee

Purpose: The District Fund and Procedures Committee (hereafter ‘Committee’) is responsible for managing and authorizing the expenditure of all District Funds and preparing a proposed budget for presentation at the District Assembly.

In addition, the Committee is charged with managing the District’s liquid investments, if any, in a manner that will protect the value of the investments against inflation, as well as protect the corpus of investments against market risk as deemed appropriate by the Committee.

Lastly, the Committee is charged with developing, reviewing and approving proposed Amendments to any part of the District’s Policies & Procedures, and presenting the Committee’s recommendation at a duly authorized District Assembly or Conference for approval by a majority of those present and voting.

Membership: The Committee shall have no more than nine members, three of whom shall be the current District Governor, the current District Treasurer and the immediate Past District Governor, who shall serve as the Chairman of the Committee. Six members-at-large shall be appointed by the District Governor who is encouraged to make the committee as representative of the entire District as possible. In this regard, The Governor shall strive to achieve a balanced representation according to geographic areas and size of clubs. The six at-large-members shall serve three-year terms and shall not succeed themselves. The terms of the at-large-members shall be staggered so that two members shall rotate off the committee and two new members shall be appointed each year. Vacancies for unexpired terms shall also be filled by the current District Governor.

Meetings: The meetings shall be called by the Chair as required to maintain fiscal control within the District. However, at least five weeks prior to the District assembly, the Committee shall meet to prepare the upcoming year’s budget. The budget shall be submitted to the clubs at least four weeks prior to the District Assembly and approved at a meeting of the incoming club presidents at the District Assembly. The amount of the per capita levy on clubs for the coming year shall be decided at the District Assembly as outlined by the manual of procedure. The District Treasurer shall be prepared to present a current financial report in all called meetings.

Fiscal Year: The Fiscal Year shall extend from July 1, of each year to June 30, of the following year.

Officers: The immediate Past District Governor shall be Chairman of the Committee. The District Governor, in consultation with the District Governor Elect, shall appoint the Treasurer.

Duties of the Treasurer: In addition to the usual duties of such an office, the Treasurer shall attend the District Conference and the District Assembly and shall make a record of all actions taken at such meetings and shall record all actions pertaining to the Committee in the permanent records of the Committee. The Treasurer shall be a voting member of the Committee.

Quorum: A quorum of the Committee shall consist of five members.

Budget and Certification: The budget of the projected income and expenditures for each year shall be prepared by the Committee and presented to the District Assembly for approval, together with per capita levy on the members to be requested from the Rotary Clubs in District 6970.

Income and Expenditures: The expenditures of any one year shall not exceed the receipts thereof, unless by specific authorization of the District Assembly, District Conference or by a club majority mail or e-mail ballot.

Reserve Fund: The Committee shall maintain a Reserve Fund that is at least 5O% but no more than 75% of the previous five-year running average of actual District dues received.

The committee shall evaluate the reserve fund and adjust it, if necessary, annually during the budget development process.

The Reserve funds shall he held in trust in the existing District’s Donor Advised Fund (DAF) managed by The Rotary Foundation. The Committee shall review the DAF portfolio make-up and returns at least once annually and make any adjustments to DAF allocations as deemed prudent and reasonable by a majority vote of the Committee.

Should the Reserve Funds be depleted for cause (emergency, disaster relief, etc.), the Committee shall cause the Reserves to be returned to at least 50% of the running 5-year average within four (4) years of the Reserve dropping below the 50% minimum. The Committee shall use cost savings, dues or dues increase, limited assessments, donation campaigns, or some combination thereof to restore the Reserve Fund to the minimum level.

Surplus Funds: All accumulated monies saved during the course of conducting District business that are in excess of the needed Reserve funds shall be considered Surplus. These monies shall he made available for District matching grants in the next available grant cycle, or as otherwise determined to the best use by the committee, so long as such funds are used to promote and further the ideals of Rotary. Surplus funds shall be spent on approved Rotary projects or causes as quickly and expeditiously as reasonably possible.

Per Capita Levy and Billing: After the per capita levy has been approved by the District Assembly, the Treasurer shall bill each Rotary Club in District 6970 for apportioned share of the budget. Payments for a pro rata portion of the per capita levy will be due July 1, and Jan. 1, for each member admitted during the prior semiannual period. Payments of the per capita levy are mandatory on all clubs of the District and the Board of Directors of RI shall, upon receipt of certification from the District Governor that a club has failed for more than six months to pay such levy, suspend the services of RI to the club while the levy remains unpaid.

Financial Statements: The Committee shall keep a complete record of its transactions and shall require a bond on the Treasurer in an amount equal to the total of all funds for which the District Treasurer has control.

Authorized Expenditures: The Committee shall instruct the treasurer to pay all properly presented bills or vouchers for budgeted items, plus the lesser of 10% or $1,000, without specific further instructions or authorizations provided that such funds are available from other budgeted items.

Budgeted Items: The Committee shall budget for effective and efficient operation of the District taking into consideration the recommendations of the District Governor and District Governor Elect,

Records: Complete records shall be kept by the Committee. Complete and accurate reports of all activities and finances shall be presented to the District Assembly. A summary of the activities of the Committee with a condensed statement of its finances shall be included in the District Governor’s annual report to the District Training Assembly.

REVIEW: An annual review of the financial statements of the District shall he completed by a C.P.A. or a firm of C.P.A.s in harmony with the intent of Article 15.060.1- of the RI Bylaws.

Bank and Savings Accounts: The Committee shall provide for depositing and withdrawing of funds, and shall authorize signatures to be recorded where funds are deposited.

Amendments: Any part of the Rotary District 6970 Policies and Procedures may be amended by any duly authorized District 6970 Assembly or Conference meeting by a majority of those present and voting, provided such amendment has first been referred to the Committee for its consideration and report.

Last update July 1, 2019

District Calendar and Events

April 26th 2025 7:30 am
District Assembly Training
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Jun 6th - Jun 7th 2025 6:00 pm
District 6970 Conference Daytona Beach
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Rotary District 6970