EarlyAct™ provides young students the opportunity for gaining an increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the world. At a young age, all students can easily be encouraged to be caring and helpful. Their minds are open to recognize the dignity and worth of each individual which builds respect for others.
EarlyAct™ also engages students in character-building activities and prepares them for leadership roles to identify and carry out projects which benefit
their school, local and global communities.
Download the EarlyAct Student handbook in PDF format, click here.
Watch a 7 minute video about EarlyAct, click here.
EarlyAct™ | Teaches... |
Caring | Tolerance |
Respect | Citizenship |
Empathy | Compassion |
Responsibility | Friendship |
Leadership |
Objectives Of EarlyAct™
The purpose of EarlyAct™ is to provide young students with the opportunities to participate in active citizenship in a culturally diverse democratic society within an interdependent world.
EarlyAct™: Partners in Character Education addresses the following objectives:
- The students develop committed citizenship and leadership qualities by identifying and taking responsibilities for real life problems within their school, local and global communities.
- The students realize the importance of respect, dignity and caring for all people by promoting good will and understanding through their active participation at school, local and community levels.
- The students develop high student achievement by actively participating in various projects to improve the quality of life for their school, local and global communities. They work with the sponsoring Rotary club members as facilitators, mentors and role models.
How To Start An EarlyAct™ CLUB
If a Rotary Club has an interest in sponsoring an EarlyAct™ Club, it can begin by appointing an EarlyAct™ subcommittee. One committee member can agree to act as the Rotarian advisor to the EarlyAct™ Club which involves attending meetings and offering guidance on service projects. Once the EarlyAct™ subcommittee has become familiar with all the elements of the EarlyAct™ program, it can make a presentation to its Rotary Club.
After the Rotary Club has approved sponsorship, the EarlyAct™ subcommittee can contact the appropriate school official or principal to discuss plans for an EarlyAct™ Club. The EarlyAct™ subcommittee can schedule a presentation to the executive board of the P.T.A., then the subcommittee and the principal can discuss the meeting time, place and faculty involvement. It is optimal to have several faculty advisors. The faculty advisors are the driving force behind EarlyAct™ because they are there, on site, to guide the students in carrying out the day-to-day activities of the club.
The initial meeting of the EarlyAct™ Club establishes the goals and objectives of the club. EarlyActors plan service projects which benefit their school and local communities, and those which promote international understanding.
Plan an inaugural “kick-off” event. Invite the District Governor, the mayor, and any other special guests. Prepare a press release. It is critical to contact the press and news media to publicize the event.
EarlyAct™ is a school-wide service club in which all students are members. The EarlyAct™ Club is self-supporting and carries out three service projects annually—one each for their school and local communities, and one which furthers international understanding.
The EarlyAct™ Club meets twice monthly for thirty minutes. Meetings are conducted by the EarlyAct™ officers. Two rotating representatives from each class attend the meetings. Meetings are conducted using parliamentary procedure, under the guidance of attending faculty and Rotarian advisors.
Officers of EarlyAct™ are selected from the two senior classes of an elementary school. For example, in a Kindergarten through fifth Grade school, the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Second Vice President and Corresponding Secretary are assigned from the fourth and fifth grade classes. Officers are appointed by faculty advisors based on leadership assessment and teacher recommendation.
There are no dues. Monies for projects and activities are raised through EarlyAct™ Club activities. The EarlyAct™ Club submits an annual report to the sponsoring Rotary Club.
I. Rotary Club Responsibilities
A. Formulate EarlyAct™ subcommittee within your club
1. Appoint chairperson
a. Act as liaison between Rotary Club, EarlyAct™, school and PTA
b. Meet with Principal or school official to discuss plans for EarlyAct™
c. Presentation to PTA and,or Executive Board to discuss plans
d. Invite District Governor to kickoff event
e. Prepare press releases for kickoff and other activities
2. At least 2 committee members act as Rotarian Advisors to EarlyAct™ Club
3. Administer Leadership Assessment* to select officers from upper two grades and/or act upon teacher recommendation
B. General Club membership
1. Attend EarlyAct™ kickoff event
2. Act as facilitators, role models and mentors to EarlyActors.
3. Participate in EarlyAct™ activities and projects
4. Attend EarlyAct™ meetings when possible.
5. Assist in Leadership Assessment review and selection of officers.
C. Financial commitment
1. Start-up seed money
2. Donations of supplies or equipment i.e., tape recorder, video camera
D. Recognize EarlyAct™ members achievements
1. Leadership and citizenship awards to EarlyActors
2. Parent and faculty advisor recognition
3. Invite EarlyAct™ officers to your Rotary Club meeting.
II School/PTA responsibilities
A. Select EarlyAct™ faculty and parent advisors
1. Attend EarlyAct™ meetings
2. Offer assistance and guidelines in service projects
3. Guide officers in Parliamentary Procedures
B. Set EarlyAct™ meeting schedule
1. Meet at least bi-monthly
2. One half hour meeting
3. Suggest meeting during lunch time or other in school activity period
C. Classroom teacher selects 2 representatives for each meeting, rotating selection
D. Support by participation in EarlyAct™ activities and service projects
III. EarlyAct™ Club responsibilities
A. Officers
1. President – senior class *
2. First Vice President – senior class *
3. Second Vice President – junior class
4. Recording Secretary – senior class *
5. Corresponding Secretary – junior class
6. Treasurer – either class
B. Class representatives – 2 from each classroom, rotating to give more children an opportunity to participate
C. Establish goals and objectives of EarlyAct™ Club including Service Areas
1. School
2. Local
3. Global
D. Plan and organize projects and activities
1. Select student chairs of committees
a. School community
b. Local community
c. Global community
2. Choose activities that encompass service areas and involve the student body and Rotary Club
* Selected from the oldest class of the Elementary School.
Questions & Answers
What is EarlyAct?
EarlyAct is a school wide service club for elementary students from ages 5 to 13. It is sponsored by one of the local Rotary clubs in the town in which the school is located.
Why EarlyAct?
EarlyAct teaches respect, empathy, tolerance, caring, citizenship, compassion, responsibility, leadership, perservarance, friendship and teamwork.
What is the mission of EarlyAct?
The mission of EarlyAct is to promote goodwill, understanding and peace through the active participation of its student members so that with committed citizenship and effective leadership they may improve the quality of life of their school, local and global communities.
How does and EarlyAct club work?
An EarlyAct club meets twice monthly for approximately thirty minutes. Meetings are conducted by the EarlyAct officers. Officers are selected from the two senior classes of an elementary school. Meetings are conducted using parlimentary procedure under the guidance of attending faculty and Rotarian advisors. Representatives from each class attend the meetings on a rotating basis. Students recognize real life problems, reason effectively and make logical connections as they select and apply appropriate solutions to those problems. Opportunities for service are created and ultimately, students improve the quality of life for their school, as well as local and global communities. All Projects undertaken are chosen and managed by the students facilitated by the educators and Rotarian advisors.
How do you start an Earlyact club?
If a Rotary club has an interest in sponsoring an Earlyact club, it can begin by contacting the appropriate school official, principal, or teacher to explain the program. If a school has interest in initiating an Earlyact club, they can contact their local Rotary club and ask for their sponsorship.
For more information, contact us Mailto:[email protected]