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Minutarian Week 5, August 2, 2021

Well folks, here we are in August already. One month down and 11 to go. We got this!

August is an exciting month for many reasons but for me the most exciting part of August is that it is membership month! That’s right a time for us to celebrate membership and what it means to vitality of our Rotary clubs.

Below are a few of our awesome District and Zone membership support team that are very willing and able to help each of your clubs achieve their membership goals.

Katherine Batenhorst – District Membership Committee Chair
Email: [email protected]     Phone:  904-501-1229

Bill Griffin – District Innovative Club Advocate (ICA)
Email:   [email protected]    Phone:  386-852-5748

A relatively new position, The Innovative Club Advocate helps the district grow through development of new clubs of all kinds: traditional clubs that meet weekly, those that meet twice per month and do service projects the other two weeks, satellite clubs, cause-based clubs, happy hour clubs and anything else that can be thought up. Creativity is key to this position.

Year 1 Area Governors (AG1’s)
These Rotarians are in your areas and work closely with our DG core and Membership Committee to assist you.

Mike Darragh – Zone 34 Rotary Coordinator
Email:  [email protected]      Phone:  904-412-1478

Each One Bring One

As part of membership month, I would like all of us to embrace Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta’s initiative “Each One, Bring One.” This calls for each of us a Rotarians to bring a non-Rotarian to a Rotary event. This does not have to be a traditional club meeting, it can be a service project, social gathering or other event. The idea is that if we simply exposure more people to Rotary, we will not only gain new members, we will gain support for and increase the awareness of the Rotary brand.

For other great ways to celebrate Membership Month, check out this link to

Here are my upcoming club visits.

Port Orange South Daytona 8/3 12:00 p.m. Riverside Pavillion
West Jacksonville 8/4 12:00 p.m. Timuquana Country Club
New Smyrna Beach 8/10 12:00 p.m. Sugarmill Country Club
Northeast Florida 8/10 6:00 p.m. Sweet Sensations
Bartram Trail Julington Creek 8/12 7:15 a.m. Fruit Cove Baptist Church
Mandarain 8/17 7:30 a.m. Ramada Inn I-295@SR 13

Picture of the Week!

Thanks to Club Presidents John Sullivan and Vincent Lyon, volunteers from The Rotary Clubs of Palm Coast and Flagler County and a handful of Interactors, we now have clean streets and not mean streets here in Palm Coast.

Service Above Self,