Past Weeks
Minutarian Week 5, August 2, 2021
Well folks, here we are in August already. One month down and 11 to go. We got this! August is an exciting month for many reasons but for me the...
Minutarian Week 4, July 26, 2021
Good morning and welcome to another wonderful Rotary week sure to be full of fun, fellowship, and opportunities to serve others. Florida Rotary...
Minutarian Week 3: July 19, 2021
Welcome to week three of our Rotary year! I’m excited about this week because I get to start doing my official club visits which is, of course, the...
Minutarian Week 2: July 12, 2021
And, we’ve made it into week two of our Rotary year, congratulations to all. As a district, we had the good fortune to for the most part, dodge any...
Minutarian Week 1, July 3, 2021
Drop the mic and step away! Congratulations to Rich and Marie Turnbull, our fantastic AGs and our NOW Immediate Past Presidents and the entire...