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The WASH Project | Guatemala

The WASH Project! | Sustainable water system in the School of Hope

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this video is worth a million.
The Project team  has a few small adjustments to make and final reports to file, but Water, Sanitation and Hygiene aspects of the system are all operational.
Gracias a todos, Thank you everyone.
Rosemary Takacs, CPA/CPIM
WASH Ambassador District 6970
Peace Corps Paraguay 88-90/Guatemala 15-16
Retired Sr. Auditor, JEA Municipal Electric/Water/Sanitation Utility
Rotary Club of Jacksonville-Oceanside

Aug 24, 2022 We are excited to share about our new WASH system! Play the YouTube video (~02:00): YouTube

The Rotary Wash Project started in 2019, with funding support from three separate rotary clubs: Ponte Vedra Beach of Florida, Guatemala del Sur in Guatemala City, and Beaches Rotaract, and a global grant from Rotary International. The infrastructure was designed by engineering students at the University of North Florida. Now in 2022, we have a sustainable water system on the school’s property!

You can learn more about the benefits of this project on our blog:

EFTC works to break the cycle of poverty through education, empowerment and enterprise at the heart of the community.

The Foundation has a school in Jocotenango, Guatemala: an urban area where extreme poverty, gang crime, domestic violence and alcoholism are everyday realities. Food, healthcare, counselling and career guidance at the school remove obstacles to education and enable these students to realise their potential.

567 children and young adults study with EFTC in Guatemala. We work in partnership with these families to open doors for future generations.

Lear more about the WASH Ambassadorship program: WASH Rotary Action Group
Learn more about Education for the Children: Education for the Children UK
Become a child sponsor: Sponsor a Student – EFTC
Keep in touch: Education for the Children Foundation | Facebook
Follow us: EFTC Foundation (@EFTCFoundation) / Twitter

Fundación Educando a los Niños apoya aproximadamente a 550 niños y jóvenes desde preparatoria hasta la universidad, en Guatemala en nuestra escuela La Esperanza. Todos los niños en nuestras aulas vienen de escasos recursos y muchos de ellos viven en casas de lamina con piso de tierra a las orillas de los cerros cercanos.

Apoya ahora y haga la diferencia en la vida de un niño.