Clubs – we need your support and commitment!
Rotary Youth Exchange’s mission is to bring the world together one student at a time. We do so by sponsoring and hosting youth exchange students. The cost pales in comparison to the rewards and the commitment is minimal compared to the benefits you and your club will gain. This year the expense to HOST an inbound student for the 2024-25 school year will be $2000.00 to the club. For budgeting purposes, the club will be billed $1000.00 in the Spring of 2024 and then the club will provide a monthly stipend to the student in the amount of $100 per month for the 10 months the student will be here.
In coordination with DG John Tabor, DGE Mickey Ulmer, and the Youth Exchange Committee, we need your pledge to be the inspiration and Bring Hope to the World by agreeing to host an Inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student for the 2024-2025 school year. Your pledge also helps us know how many scholarships we can offer to our District 6970 outbound students wanting to better the world through peace and understanding. The monetary value of an outbound exchange scholarship is calculated to be worth at least $24,000 USD. We know the true value in terms of life experience is priceless, so we are asking for participation from as many clubs as possible to ensure we provide plenty of these opportunities to the youth of District 6970.
We ask all clubs to simply fill out the form below for your club’s commitment to host an Exchange Student in the 2024-2025 School Year.